FMC front pageHow to create an account:

  1. Click on the red "Log in" button in the top right hand corner of the site,
  2. Then click on the  next screen, select the "Create new account" option,
  3. Fill in the details asked for, make sure you can access the email you enter and remember your username and password for future use,
  4. A confirmation email will then be sent to your email address, either click on the displayed link, or copy and paste it into your browser and press enter (It depends on your security and browser settings),
  5. You should then see a window saying "Thanks", then press the dark "Continue" button.
  6. Now just click the "Start Now" button and enrol yourself in the course and away you go. 

How to begin the learning:

  1. When logged in, click on the "HomeGuard Installation course" link in the top menu", this will take you to the course,
  2. Just Click on the "Enrol Me" button and you are now enrolled into the course,
  3. View the tour, or just begin the learning at the top of the page, working your way through the content.
  4. A green "Done..." button will be displayed after each task is complete.

Inside the course:

Inside the course you will see a number of activities listed down the page to complete, please work your way through these.

  1. To navigate through the content either use the blue (expandable) menu on the left hand side of the page, or use the blue arrow " < & >" buttons at the top and bottom of each page.
  2. At the end of each "Module" you can move directly to the next "Module" by clicking on the red ">" or text at the bottom of each page.
  3. Please answer the occasional questions as you go along, this will help you reinforce the key points of each step.
  4. VIDEOS - please just press play on these to view them,
  5. ANIMATIONS - please just press play on these to view them,

If you get lost, which we all do at some stage...

  1. You can always go back to the front of the site, by clicking the FMC logo at the top of the page, and click the "HomeGuard Installation course" at the top of the page".

Completing the course and getting a completion certificate

  1. Once you have completed all the activities (as well as submitting your licence documents), you will then be able to print off your Completion Certificate.

We thank you for doing the course and we hope you find it informative, useful and engaging, regards the FMC Accreditation  Team.

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